info@saintpatricks.nsw.edu.au (02) 4629 2999


Home Page > Community > Alumni

As a College with a long and proud history, there are many Ó£ÌÒ¸£ÀûÊÓƵ ex-students in the local community and beyond. The Alumni currently has over 3000 members and we encourage all ex-students to continue their relationship with the College by becoming a member. There are several ways to keep in touch with the College and our students really enjoy seeing Alumni return for assemblies and other activities.

Events and Activities throughout the Year

  • The Alumni Association finances a senior scholarship for a student who would otherwise not be able to continue her senior education at Ó£ÌÒ¸£ÀûÊÓƵ College.
  • Every year in March, the College hosts The International Women’s Day Breakfast. This is a showcase event where ex-students speak about their experiences at Ó£ÌÒ¸£ÀûÊÓƵ and their life after school. For the current girls at the College, listening to ex-students is both inspiring and motivating. Ex-students have also addressed the girls at a College assembly and again their message has been powerful and memorable.
  • The Ó£ÌÒ¸£ÀûÊÓƵ College Alumni has a Facebook page that advertises events and information at regular intervals. Become a Facebook friend to keep informed of the current news.
  • The College has an annual Red Carpet Event held every year in mid-March - Ó£ÌÒ¸£ÀûÊÓƵ Emerald Gala Ball in The Cube. Ex-students are encouraged to organise a table of school friends and renew friendships and acquaintances whilst supporting the Scholarship Fund, which provides financial assistance to many families.
  • During October/November, St Patrick's College hosts a Reunion for the 10, 20, 30 and 40 year anniversaries.

The current Executive of the Alumni are:

President Monique Keogh (class of 1990)
Vice President Erin de Rooy (class of 1999)
Secretary Stephanie Alchin (class of 1980)
Treasurer Amadee Thotwatta

If you would like to offer support or assistance to the Alumni, you can contact the Community Engagement Office on (02) 4629 2999.

Once a year, the College produces the 'Flame' publication for Alumni. It is a full colour magazine rich in stories, 'where are they now,' celebrations, photos from the past, the changes around the College and highlights from the years. Please ensure your contact details are up to date so we may send you a copy to your current mailing address. Alternatively, PDF copies are available via email AND on this page.

Latest Edition
August 2021


Flame Magazine August 2021

Past Editions

Flame Magazine - Commemorative Edition published in August 2020

Flame Magazine - Commemorative Edition 2020

FLAME MAGAZINE 2020 cover.jpg

Flame Magazine - August 2019
Download NOW

Flame Magazine - September/October 2018
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