St Patrick's College has a strong tradition of supporting learning with modern Information Communication Learning Technologies (ICLTs) in order to prepare students for contemporary living and learning. The Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program will support students in their development of ICT capabilities, as well as meeting curriculum requirements in mandatory and elective subjects.
Bring your own device (BYOD) means that students bring to school a personally owned or family owned device to support their learning. Equity and access are essential for the success of any BYOD program. To this end, Ó£ÌÒ¸£ÀûÊÓƵ College has developed a that provides a framework to guide the BYOD program’s implementation.
The BYOD program enables access to College-provided ICT resources including the Wi-Fi network, eTexts, subscriptions to a range of eLearning materials, printing facilities and software licensing. document is designed to guide families in the purchase of a suitable device.
Students entering Year 7 are required to bring a laptop to the College. A Macintosh or Windows laptop is suitable. Chromebooks and iPads do not meet the minimum requirements for the BYOD Program.
Parents are able to purchase devices from anywhere and there are a range of devices available that meet our . Together with the College Technology team, JB Hi-Fi have created a purchasing portal. Access the JB Hi-Fi Education portal here - and use the school code: SPCCBYOD .
To ensure access to digital technologies and equity for all students, the College has established procedures for families to apply for assistance in obtaining access to a device.
Day Loans
Students can borrow a daily loan device from the IT window.
Week Loans
For BYO devices that may be under repair, the College has established an extended loan process (one week) that can be used by parents or carers to apply for student access to a loan laptop.
Extended loans
To ensure access to digital technologies and equity for all students, the College has established procedures for families to apply for assistance in obtaining access to a device. If parents / caregivers believe they are unable to provide a device that meets the Minimum Device Specification for an extended period, they need to complete the following steps:
Applications to the Business Manager are initiated by parents or carers completing the following online form:
Digital technologies are used in class as a component of a complete learning program. They are used at the teacher’s discretion and their use is guided by teachers during class.
Yes. BYO devices will become an integral part of students learning; however, printed materials, textbooks and written work will be in use alongside electronic materials. Some textbooks will be provided in an eText format and others in traditional print format.
Using personal learning devices at the College is a privilege and students are expected to act responsibly and model the type of behaviour that is expected of all students at Ó£ÌÒ¸£ÀûÊÓƵ College. Further information is available in the available from the Policies page.
Students are responsible for the upkeep and protection of their devices. Families are responsible for the costs of any repairs or replacement of the device. The College will not assume any financial responsibility for the repairs or replacement of any device. Any reported loss or damage to a device whilst at school will be the student's responsibility.
Families are responsible for the purchase and installation of their own software, however, the College will assist with the following:
Google Suite – The College has deployed G Suite for Education - a host of productivity tools such as Docs, Sheets and Slides. Additionally, Google Drive is used to store and share documents, and Gmail hosts the College’s email.
Microsoft Apps - The College’s Microsoft Licensing Agreement extends to student owned devices. Students can download and install Office 365 via the .
Adobe Suite - The College’s Adobe Creative Cloud suite licensing can be extended to student devices.
The College provides several learning portals. The system supports access to learning materials, assessment task resources, and online interactions with teachers.  provides access to most of the students daily needs, including the College welfare system, daily notices, room changes, academic reports and provides a jump page to many online services. The Library microsite links to a range of information services including Destiny Discover (catalogue), online books, scholarly databases, Britannica School Online, Study Skills Handbook, online videos and much more.
Please feel free to forward any questions you may have regarding our College BYOD program to the Coordinator of eLearning (